Dr. Thesing, in acknowledging himself to be a vitalist, does so in company with Driesch, Reinke, and other eminent biologists; nevertheless, the opinion which he stated is, as the author have already remarked, not a matter of vitalism but of mechanics, for the phenomena accompanying psychical processes and the elements in the organic processes. The speaker agreed with Father Wasmann in thinking that his theory of a polyphyletic evolution could be defended from a purely scientific point of view. According to Christian philosophy, God is not a point, nor a nothing, nor a bodily form such as we can imagine by aid of our senses, but He is a pure spirit, universally present in virtue of His infinity. Dr. Thesing proceeded to say that Father Wasmann adhered to the Christian theory, according to which God was an absolutely perfect being. Thus from absolute perfection was derived the world, which was imperfect.