The facility is built, staff are in place to run the facility, and now the facility is ready to host its first event. This moment reflects the outcome presented by the feasibility study, and through the design and construction process. The first event may involve a competition game of a host sport tenant or alternatively a special event that has been included in the planning process. Hosting the regular home fixtures of a tenant, who may pay rent to the facility, or who may be an owner of the stadium, places the facility in a slightly more enviable position than that faced by the facility manager who must attract a range of events without relying on a sequence of regular fixtures. A critical consideration no matter what the circumstances faced requires that the facility manager must seek to maximise the usage of the facility in order to maximise financial returns for the facility. Where multiuse operations have been built into or are expected of the facility, then there will be an expectation that a wide range of events will be forthcoming to the facility. The facility manager must respond to this condition of operations and must seek to maximise usage through attracting events.