The alert forensic assessor is aware of the litigious nature of forensic work in Immigration Court (IC) and understands that there are important differences between clinical and forensic assessment. Philip Resnick has written extensively about credibility and malingering in forensic examinations. Psychological tests such as the Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI-2) have validity scales, and more specifically focus on malingering of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The confidentiality in immigration evaluations may be more stringent than for other types of forensic evaluations, because for most of these types of immigration relief the applicant is a victim of a crime. Confidentiality is built into the laws of immigration processes. The relationship between the examiner and the retaining attorney has to be close and with direct and clear communication channels. According to Pope K. S. and Vasquez M. J. T., neglecting an ethic of self-care early on can drain the enthusiasm, joy, resilience, and meaning out of a career.