Ultra-realism is one of the first new western criminological paradigms to emerge in the 21st century. It offers a unique perspective on contemporary subjectivity in its socioeconomic context. Ultra-realism does not claim to be the theory that fell to earth. It is partially influenced by some previous criminological schools of thought, such as victimology, feminism and left realism, all of which attempted to make significant breaks from existing frameworks and advocated the return to reality. However, whilst ultra-realism retains their spirit it also seeks to break away from their theoretical frameworks. Ultra-realism seeks to revisit philosophical and theoretical levels of fundamentals. Criminology's left-realist approach developed first in the UK and later in the USA in the 1980s as a response to left idealism's intellectual and political failings and right realism's success in influencing government policy. Ultra-realism is firm in its intent to confront neoliberal capitalism's worldwide zemiological environment full in the face.