This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book engages with a particular environmental issue and the activism against it: agricultural biotechnology/genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This issue is interesting because two of the rationales that underlie activists' fight against GMOs have in themselves the potential to disrupt modern/colonial binaries. First, anti-GMO activists who continue to argue against biotechnology do so, as Lynas rightly points out, against the scientific consensus. The second rationale of anti-GMO argument and practice that makes it interesting for challenging and overcoming modern/colonial binaries in environmental activism explicitly builds on a critique of neocolonial/neoliberal structures of domination. The book shows how the activists' drawing on complexity science in order to reject the technology of GE has the potential of challenging modern/colonial binaries more generally, by questioning the central modern distinctions between subject and object, mind and matter, human and nonhuman.