This chapter presents the biggest reasons why today's technology makes sense to incorporate technology into mental skills training (MST) practice, followed by a case study to demonstrate how it can address the biggest challenges associated with delivering mental training programs. It highlights new mobile app, called MentalApp, that simplifies mental training into an understandable and convenient path toward peak performance. Several technological problems can be solved by an individualized internet-based program. Specifically, a web-based MST program would have the advantages of reaching a much broader audience than the current one-on-one training model, while at the same time greatly reducing the cost. In order to capitalize on the changing technological landscape, MentalApp was developed to specifically address the aforementioned challenges as well as the key elements needed for a successful mental skills intervention. As beneficial as technology is and will continue to be, MST is still far more effective when an sport psychology consultants (SPCs) is involved.