Convergence is a foundation of universalizing resistance. A major obstacle to convergence is the powerful resistance of some activists themselves who are constrained by limited time, resources, and their own single-issue strategies. In fact, the virtue of silo activism is that it engages so many different activists who might never have become active without the passion taking them into their silo. Silo activism often melds seamlessly with universalizing resistance. The convergence of labor and peace movements is another key node of universalizing resistance in the 21st century. Of all the vital nodes of convergence today, among the most important— and most difficult—are those connecting class and caste movements. It is hard to look at movements today without noticing how many of them are either all-white or all-Black. This is senseless because neither class nor caste issues can be won without the convergence of Black and white movements, Black and white activists, Black and white anti-systemic agendas.