This chapter discusses various session themes. They are: awareness and automatic pilot; living in our heads; gathering the scattered mind; recognising aversion; allowing/letting be; thoughts are not facts; 'How can I best take care of myself?'; and maintaining and extending new learning. Awareness and automatic pilot session is spent builds a supportive environment for the work that will be done in the weeks ahead. Participants arrive at living in our heads session after a week of practicing the body scan. Recognising aversion session draws out the way in which the mind is most scattered when trying to cling to some things and avoid others, with a particular focus on automatic reactions to unpleasant experience. Thoughts are not facts session draws out the way in which negative moods and the thoughts that accompany them, become the 'lens' through which the authors see experience. 'How can I best take care of myself?' session is recognising the ways in which daily activities affect mood and well-being.