This chapter presents a collection of emerging tools, Zoom, Piktochart, Jing, Animoto, Haiku Deck, Adobe Spark and Populr, that can be used to enhance faculties' communications and the sharing of content with their students. The features of Spark that set it apart from other tools are its ability to support the creation of beautiful content from anywhere without the need to be a design expert. Adobe touts Spark as a suite of storytelling tools, which make it a perfect option for creating engaging, real-world assessments for faculty's classes. Audio, video, images, and mobile devices are the 21st-century palette from which the faculties are invited to craft their own masterful teaching and learning experience. When students sit in front of a computer to learn, they will be more engaged and motivated week after week in a long semester journey when they can see the faculties, hear them, and have options to learn from anywhere.