This chapter focuses on strategic regeneration and management plans involving sport, tourism and event opportunities in Croatia's Istria Region, with much of the focus on Medulin and Pula. Observed as an attempt to regenerate the industry, it builds on foundation research concerning Medulin. The chapter discusses sports tourism-led regeneration in Istria before addressing perspectives from industry managers. Several cities on the Istrian Peninsula have developed sport-led tourism programs that are attracting visitors during the off-season months. In terms of organisation and investment, sports development is organised by Arenaturist and the Park Plaza Belvedere and their affiliates maintain the sporting facilities and rent the spaces in both Medulin and Pula. The chapter also deals with particular social impacts brought about by all this sports tourism regeneration in Istria to identify what opportunities industry managers see as benefits for local residents. Concerning management and strategy, collaborations among private and public stakeholders can alter plans and agendas.