To address the need in the professional geoscience education community, Shepardson and Niyogi developed a professional development toolkit modeling climate change science with the Earth system science approach. The primary goal of creating this toolkit was to "develop an Earth system science teacher professional development toolkit for climate science that provides educational activities, materials, and resources needed to deliver high-quality teacher professional development, linking climate science data and content to pedagogy, enhancing teachers' pedagogical content knowledge". The final version of the professional development toolkit is called "Dynamics of Climate: A Toolkit for Informal and Formal Educators". The toolkit introduces educators to climate science lessons in the following ways: immersion in inquiry-based activities; teaching climate system science through the Earth system science approach; and promotes lessons that can be incorporated or expanded into mathematics, economics, ecology, and service learning. The toolkit utilizes existing climate datasets and hands-on activities that teach climate change science from the Earth system science framework.