At the cost of disregarding the universal dimension of Islamism by qualifying it with national appellations, Islamism in the guise of miscellaneous nationalisms is a factually observed state of affairs in the world of nation states. This chapter describes the ideological position of Kurdish Islamism, the process of its differentiation from Turkish Islamism and its articulation of an outright Kurdish nationalist discourse. It explains its heterogeneous components, the criticisms leveled against it, giving special attention to the Justice and Development Party's political posture regarding the so-called 'Kurdish question'. It was during the reign of the AK Party governments that the Kurdish question was spelled out and debated publicly with all its ramifications for the first time in the history of the Turkish Republic. Zehra group is a breakaway faction of the Kurdish Nurcu group called 'Med-Zehra'. The National Outlook Movement has continued this tradition of nationalist religiosity and grasped the Kurdish issue from the vantage point of Islamic brotherhood.