I will never forget those Fridays in that summer, when I was about thirteen years of age. I was living in a compulsory camp which was close to a river. I vividly remember that every Friday, when our neighbours went fishing, men and their young male children participated. I think of these days as the fishing days. Since I didn’t have a father, I was always prohibited to go fishing with the other children and their fathers. At that time I had to show my power as a real man to persuade neighbours to let me go fishing with them, but they always argued that I was only a child, and if something happened, no one wanted to be responsible. My mother was always pushing me to try harder and be the first in the class and in all activities. In the case of fighting with other children, I had to win, just because I didn’t have a father, I had to be stronger to show that I had filled this huge gap in my life, the gap of being without a father. Since that time and until the end of my life, I believe that having a father is very important in the life of any individual. So many times I did better than my friends of my age. Nonetheless, my best was not seen as their good. Sometimes I made little mistakes, compared with my friends of my age. Nevertheless, my little mistakes were seen and blamed more than their wrongs and sins.