This chapter is dedicated exclusively to the 'how' of Sport System Re-Design (SSRD). A new framework and approach to achieving important outcomes in youth sport. SSRD entails a change to an existing system, often a system that is deeply established and entrenched in the psyche and behaviors of many people. Change can be met with criticism or resistance, and you need to prepare for it. However, change also opens the door to exciting new possibilities for your program. The chapter introduces you to what to do before you start, and then works through the first two steps of our SSRD toolkit in detail. Finally re-Design to original desired outcomes and the re-Design would help you get there. Craft your Outcomes re-Design statement, which follows a simple formula, including statements. The sport that we all deem as sacred and not up for re-Design, then we will name this and brainstorm on other parts of the sport.