Assessment is often considered the backbone of Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) because instructional and curricular decisions are based on data. Minimal expectations are the use of a screener at least twice yearly, diagnostics quarterly, and progress monitoring or benchmark assessment at least quarterly. There are a variety of sources for appropriate screening tools. Validity and reliability are particularly important because the screener is designed to predict how students will perform on high-stakes tests. Diagnostics are typically completed in core setting based on performance in the core curriculum. Diagnostic assessments may be purchased, such as a Woodcock-Johnson or a KeyMath assessment. Running records are assessments completed while a student is working to determine precise details about their learning. Progress monitoring should occur frequently for students in intervention settings. The result of a benchmark assessment should be reviewed alongside the intervention progress monitoring graph to determine if any growth in the intervention may be related to growth in the core classroom.