This chapter examines gender (in)equality in Mexico, a developing country where Mexican men are often portrayed as macho, dominant, socialized to be aggressive, fearless and to dominate both women and other men. It reviews the nature of gender inequality by describing the complex relationship between patriarchal structures and ideologies, as proposed by Dobash and Dobash. The chapter also examines Mexican legislation and international agreements and treaties. It offers state-level empirical data about structural gender inequality in Mexico, six years after the enactment of the General Law on Women and Men's Equality. The General Law on Women and Men's Equality states the specific objectives and actions to be included in the national gender equality public policy to eliminate structural and ideological gender inequalities. The level of economic, political and educational equality in a given state is calculated as a ratio of the percent of gender attainment of women to that of men's in socially valuable positions in the said state.