This chapter focuses on the importance of career and personal counseling options that must not be ignored for the maximum health of the gifted adolescent. It investigates these possibilities by examining the following relevant factors. The academically gifted adolescent demonstrates superior cognitive abilities in his/her area(s) of giftedness. The second dimension of the Holistic Conception focuses on personal growth, especially in identity. When secondary gifted students are plagued by perfectionism, defined as a striving to be perfect and an inability to accept anything short of perfection, it may be viewed by some as a neurotic, debilitating, unhealthy, and destructive trait. Underachievement is an issue that may plague the gifted adolescent and impede progress and opportunities. Honors courses are also excellent options for schools in developing programs for gifted students. Teachers and administrators are essential to ensuring that the academic and affective needs of gifted secondary learners are addressed.