Since its initial appearance, the Differentiating Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMGT) has evolved into a fully-fledged theory of talent development, now labeled the Integrated Model of Talent Development, or iMTD. The DMGT maintains its identity as a major part of the CMTD, the other part known as the Developmental Model for Natural Abilities. This chapter comprises five themes: (a) the DMGT's rationale; (b) the five components; (c) the prevalence of gifted/talented individuals; (d) the DMGT's biological underpinnings which gave rise to the DMNA; and (e) some basic dynamic rules of talent development. The field of academic talent development (ATD)—a label that makes much more sense in entrenched "gifted education" ID—uses two key concepts to label its special population: gifted and talented. The DMGT's complex structure identifies causal factors of talent emergence, especially those located within the intrapersonal and environmental catalysts.