This chapter explores the temporal dimension of servicescapes in a post-quake environment and their use as a regeneration tool, supplies examples to illustrate the different facets of temporary transitional servicescapes, and suggests that a deeper understanding of the temporal character of spaces and scapes is required in understanding the nature of change in the urban environment. The role of transitional servicescapes in the Christchurch rebuild is arguably a strategy for property-led urban regeneration as is the broader redevelopment plan for the Central Business District (CBD) and its precinctification. It focuses on the spatio-temporal dimension of scape and space without including the temporality of usage of existing scapes or spaces. Finally, the notion of transitional servicescapes raises broader questions of understanding change in the city, and especially in areas affected by rapid change, as in the case of natural disasters or industry closure. Scapes are integral to the development of a deeper understanding of place and individuals sense of place.