This chapter focuses on global environmental benefits of the Stimulating Community Initiatives in Sustainable Land Management (SCI-SLM) interventions. Global environmental benefits are those that the global community enjoys knowingly or unknowingly and directly or indirectly as a result of interventions that result in positive environmental impact. Though the motivation for the initiatives had little to do with biodiversity or carbon sequestration, the effect and eventual impact, with SCI-SLM intervention, is global environmental benefits of increased biodiversity and carbon storage. The organic fertilization through composting by the women of Moatani and the farmers of Kandiga-Atosali in Ghana contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and global warming and thus is a major source for climate change mitigation. Loss of soil carbon implies increased emission of greenhouse gases and that is a major contributing factor to climate change. Land degradation contributes to global climate change, loss of biodiversity and damage to shared international water bodies.