Significant to writing and reading Du Bois and Education is understanding that the stories the author tells took place at different points of time in his life, and he drawing on different pieces of Du Bois's life and writings that may not necessarily match up with his own, but they do speak to and illuminate his experiences and the experiences of others who grew up doing his time. Du Bois was the only Black student in his high school graduating class of 16. Episodic memory is the memory of autobiographical events. In Tarzan movies—49 of which were made from 1918 to 2016—Blacks were portrayed as subhuman; the movies relied on racial stereotypes and social Darwinism. When I first recognized that the sign was down, I thought not only of Mandela but also of a long struggle of Pan-Africanism that began in the late 1800s and Du Bois's (1900) "To the Nation of the World" speech.