Mobility was considered as one of the important domains of smart cities in a taxonomy that was proposed by the Technische Universität Wien (see Chapter 4 for a thorough description). More recently, a paper by Neirotti et al. (2014) has included transport and mobility among the important domains of smart development initiatives, jointly with natural resources and energy, buildings, living, government and economy and people. The paper also considered the important sub-domains of mobility: (1) city logistics that should aim at improving the flows of goods within a city through effective and efficient interaction and integration with traffic conditions, geographical, societal and environmental issues; (2) people mobility related to the provision of innovative and sustainable ways to facilitate the movement of persons within the city fostering public and environmentally friendly transport options by taking advantage of technological innovation and by promoting proactive citizens’ behaviours; and (3) info-mobility as the distribution of dynamic and multimodal information, both before and during the trip, aimed at improving transport efficiency and at minimizing private and public transport costs. The last subdomain can be considered as a transversal tool that can be useful to maximize the quality and efficiency of the previous ones. The following sections of this chapter will be devoted to discussing and commenting on the possible smart policies for the movement of freight and persons in a city and to the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) that can be usefully adopted to support mobility.