This chapter focuses on several contextual and cultural aspects of grandparenting in the Indian sub-continent, such as, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. It focuses on the demographic, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds of grandparents. The chapter explores the conceptual and cultural underpinnings of grandparenthood. It also discusses the roles grandparents play in the family. The chapter also explores subcultural variations and public policies relevant to grandparenthood. The population age structure in South Asian countries has undergone rapid and dynamic change since the 1950s. South Asian grandparents are addressed and treated with respect, and elderly grandparents rely on their family members to satisfy their needs. In South Asia, grandparents constantly deal with socioeconomic disparities and lack of employment opportunities, especially in rural areas. Marriage is a sacred commitment in South Asian families, and increased life expectancy has enabled many grandparents to enjoy the company of their partners longer now than did couples in past generations.