Support staff should:

have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities

have a knowledge of their job description;

work under the guidance of the teacher;

know that information given to parents should be with the knowledge of the class teacher;

respect the confidentiality of information about pupils;

maintain a professional demeanour with parents;

be aware of school policies with regard to behaviour, anti-bullying, Child Protection, etc.

be aware of the channels of communication within school

ensure that information given by parents is relayed to SENCo/class teacher/form tutor;

ensure that communication with outside agencies is carried out in consultation with the SENCo;

ensure that there is a mechanism for disseminating information to support staff about school activities, e.g. day book, staff room notice board, email.

be recognised as valued team members

participate in the planning and monitoring process;

celebrate and share expertise.

be encouraged to make use of their personal skills

share skills in the areas of ICT, organisation, creative arts.

be supported with appropriate on-going professional development opportunities

observe and learn from other professionals;

take advantage of training opportunities in school and relevant external courses.

encourage the pupil’s independence at all times:

promote independent work habits;

promote independent life skills;

promote independent social skills.