In the decade from 1904 to 1914 Morocco was taken over by France, but not until Europe had been led from one international crisis through another to the catastrophe of a world war. Morocco is divided into the Makhzen and the Siba. Bu Hamara, a pretender, continued his war against the sultan, and it was believed that he might, with the connivance of the Makhzen, make some coup that would upset European calculations before the international conference of all the powers to decide upon the status of Morocco before the world met. The French declared that if Morocco meant a definite geographical territory the Fez government was responsible for what happened in that territory. If the sultan made the plea that he was responsible only for the acts of the Makhzen, France was not attacking his sovereignty or his government when she punished the Siba and occupied their lands. The sultan signed away his independence by the treaty of Fez.