The main factor that determines whether a person with dyslexia will thrive or not is the presence of someone in their life who is supportive and encouraging. Children with dyslexia need to know what dyslexia is and is not. A person with dyslexia can be emotionally and socially immature, which can affect the quality of their relationships, which can cause lack of confidence over time. Processing lags can cause some dyslexic children to have trouble finding the right words or keep up with conversation in a group. This is especially true as a child reaches the teen years. These issues can lead to increased anxiety and fear of failure and embarrassment. Anxiety leads to avoidance of the situations that are awkward, which can lead to more criticism from unknowing parents and teachers. As a teacher, remember to reward effort and not the finished product. Implement effective accommodations such as allowing a child to dictate a writing task.