An experience is illustrated as a steady flow of thoughts and feelings that take place during moments of consciousness regarding experience dimensions. Tourist experiences are believed to be multi-faceted, dynamic and evocative through interactive processes in which the tourist passively or actively engages. Consumer researchers have articulated that service organizations are unique due to their special characteristics such as inseparability, perishability, heterogeneity, and inconsistency. Tourist experiences include these four characteristics; however, they largely differ from traditional services. In experiential consumption hedonic and eudaimonic needs and emotions dominate the perceived experience value which are vital in managing long-term customer relationships. Tourist interaction deals with involvement, contribution and creation, which may be of a direct or an indirect nature. Direct interaction is when the individual is in contact with another person or an object. Indirect interaction is when the individual is in contact with a person or an object through another party such as a tour operator or a medium.