In 1965, a remarkable marble stele was unearthed in a eld near Nakrason in western Turkey which recorded the construction of an extensive funerary paradise garden. Inscribed in ne Greek letters on both the back and front of the stele was the last will and testament of a grieving father named Epicrates. In his will, comprising 116 lines and dating to around 100 ce, Epicrates lays down detailed instructions for the management and maintenance in perpetuity of the family burial grounds. Far more than a simple backyard plot, the paradisal landscape Epicrates envisions encompasses vineyards, olive groves, watercourses, and open meadows. Slaves were to decorate with roses the grave monuments proper, where only family members were allowed to be buried. Pronouncing solemn curses on all who might disturb the funerary plot or go against his wishes in any way, Epicrates also reveals the primary beneciary of the funerary cult he instates: Diophantos, his beloved son who had visited his father after death many times in dreams, signs, and apparitions (Herrmann and Polatkan 1969: 7-17, lines 32-36; Lane Fox 1986: 142-143).