Significant changes have occurred in international education in the last 20 years. Some of these changes have been driven by the need for developing countries to access higher education in excess of their capacity to provide opportunities to study. A common response to this situation has been student mobility in which international students travel to other countries for their higher education. More recently the trend

has been ‘programme mobility’ (Knight 2012), in which it is the higher education programmes that move as they are delivered locally in the developing country via partnership arrangements with overseas institutions. A rapid growth in transnational programmes has resulted in many opportunities for nations seeking to build their capacity, for institutions and for staff and student learning. However, a number of challenges for transnational academics and their students, often related to differing cultural expectations, inequalities in power relations and ensuring quality standards across partner institutions have also been identified (Hicks and Jarrett 2008; McBurnie and Ziguras 2007; Pyvis 2011).