Possibly the most difficult aspect of learning Dutch is the pronunciation and unfortunately that is where you have to start. Don’t be discouraged by sounds that you may feel you will never be able to get your tongue around. With exposure to the language your accent will improve with time. The Dutch themselves think that mastering the g/ch sound is the greatest challenge that the pronunciation of their language confronts the learner with, and they constantly test foreigners’ articula tion skills by asking them to pronounce the place name Scheveningen, for example. Anyone who has ever had a fly stuck in their throat can articulate a Dutch g or ch; the Dutch r sound, on the other hand, can be quite tricky for English speakers. But, in general, one short vowel, some of the long vowels and especially the diphthongs are what you will most probably find the greatest challenge, i.e. put, brood, muur, lijden, huis. Perfection comes with time and practice. Simply persevere.