Postfeminism and Health. Sarah Riley, Adrienne Evans, Martine Robson. Chapter 5 . Chapter 5 develops the book’s analysis of the ‘expected unattainable’ to explore postfeminist pregnancy as part of a fantasy of living an ideal-yet-also-normal life. The chapter traces links between postfeminist pregnancy and historical constructs of the sanctity of pregnancy, revised through postfeminist re-traditionalisation, technological developments and intense scrutiny that intersects with discourses of citizenship and gendered, racialised and classed discourses. The outcome being particular ways of ‘knowing’ pregnancy that circulate across a range of media (e.g. films and apps) and have profound implications for women’s experience of their embodiment and health care, and which reduce the radical potential of the doubly-embodied pregnant body for challenging neoliberal individualism.>>