The Convention went so far as to vote exhibited for the organization of primary instruction. Lepelletier accepted Condorcet's plan in all that relates to secondary schools, institutes and lycees, that is to say, higher primary instruction, secondary instruction, and superior instruction. Daunou persisted in considering national holidays as the most certain and the most comprehensive means of public instruction. The destinies of public instruction are allied to the fate of constitutions. The central schools, designed to replace the colleges of secondary instruction, were established by decree of February 25, 1795, on the report of Lakanal. He sets forth the necessity of teaching the teachers themselves before sending them to teach their pupils. He had given much thought to pedagogical methods. An important point in the pedagogy of the Revolution was the attention given to the composition of elementary books. The Bouquier bill was adopted December 19, and remained in force till it was superseded by the Lakanal.