This chapter examines the policy and law relevant to the management of what are often described as 'emerging pollutants', or 'emerging contaminants'. It provides some explanation of some of the main categories of pollutants, the uses to which they are put and the potential consequences for the health of humans and aquatic ecosystems. The chapter also examines the approaches to their management, related to each of these consequences; including broad water quality approaches and specific rules relevant to both drinking water and wastewater treatment. A wide-ranging review of 'hazardous chemicals of concern' in the freshwater environment was undertaken by the European Environment Agency in 2011. The Water Framework Directive sets a framework for water policy in the European Union's Member States. The Groundwater Directive was made under the Water Framework Directive and sets EU-wide quality standards for nitrates and pesticides. The purpose of the Drinking Water Quality Directive, and similar instruments in other jurisdictions, is to safeguard human health.