This chapter examines the ways people interpret a photograph and how lines of questioning can lead to photo-elicitation the use of images to instigate a response from people as part of a structured research method. Marcel Proust's recollections are presented in a self-reflexive mode of narration, which allows him to examine and evaluate his processes of writing. The purpose of photo-elicitation, in the historical and anthropological sense, is to use the lens-based visual record to trigger memory to provide further information and/or social facts, it is the interaction with the image and the act of recalling that is significant. The chapter discusses the phenomenon of the selfie, its role in sociological study and its potential for general photographic practice as well as that of photojournalism. It presents a case study of Applied Photo-Elicitation in Ethnographic Research. Self flattering images can be pasted on social networking sites such as Facebook, inviting friend's approval to like the self-representation suggesting the self-photographers demand.