This chapter examines several case studies using Coutu's three principal qualities of resilience provide a starting point for discussion: These qualities are illustrated through the use of experiential examples taken from various studies. Case studies, based on lived experiences, highlight the tensions in practice which draw out what is within and beyond the everyday practice realities and gesture to best practice that nurtures and sustains optimal psychosocial resilience in maternity care providers. The chapter suggests for individual and maternity care system psychosocial resilience are offered. Gaining perspective, seeking out social support and using reflection for self-awareness contributed to author's ability to continue and nurture author's joy of midwifery practice; attributes that have since been identified in the midwifery sustainability and resilience literature. The harshness of the practice reality in maternity care, that can often take an emotional toll on the individual, must be acknowledged and appreciated by the team of professionals and the organisation.