In this chapter the author analyzes his perpetual journeys across the research–practice divide through the concept of liminality in order to conceptualize the space that both separates and connects the worlds of academia and practice. He describes how he have constructed a "dwelling place" in this liminal space through the creation of his research centre, the Centre for Professional Service Firms (CPSF) at Cass Business School. The author explains about his most tangible evidence of practitioner impact to date, his appointment to the Board of KPMG UK as Senior Independent Non-Executive. He concludes by outlining personal rules attempt to live by when engaging with practitioners. His intention, as with "My affair with the 'other'," is to encourage fellow academics. To cross the research–practice divide, to help you avoid the mistakes he have made, and to enable you to become well-informed travelers–open to new experiences and willing to take risks, but with sufficient insight to ensure those risks are carefully calculated.