Mistakes in therapy are inevitable. If you are not making mistakes you are not growing as a therapist. The author had presented on the topic of intervening at the whole-group level many times and it had always gone well, so he set into it this time with all the complacency of someone who has never had a crash at a particular blind intersection, so the author approaches it without due caution. Clearly the group was having difficulty dealing with this story and Rosemary's intensity as she told it. He wanted to make a whole-group comment about this, but the author was afraid that doing so would shame, and potentially harm, Rosemary. Rosemary, was flooded with emotion and continued to recount how she had found the perpetrators, who were in prison, and ultimately confronted them. The author would have engaged with Rosemary directly to help her contain her emotions and take that responsibility off the shoulders of the newly formed group.