Geriatric groups are often bonded together by mutual caring and by advanced age, disability, and concerns regarding helping one Another to avoid further decompensation, hospitalization, falls, and ultimate death. The ability to assert oneself appropriately is extremely important to good communication and leads to better mental health. The converse is true: individuals unable to assert themselves, clearly and appropriately, often suffer with poor mental health. Appropriate assertiveness be taught in a group setting. Reasons verbalized for inability to assert oneself are excellent springboards for dynamic psychotherapeutic group work. If the clinician does not enjoy or feel comfortable with an older population, there is the possibility of Therapist elder abuse. All participants have had serious psychiatric illness such as major depression and bipolar disorder. Role-playing is done in the group with further exploration and explanation of feelings with the patient playing both sides in order to determine if the patient is projecting Toby Berman personality onto others.