Frantz Fanon, in the conclusion of The Wretched of the Earth, argues for the importance of decentring Europe (1961: 311). He relates this ontological necessity to a wider call for inventing epistemologies in order to create a new order of reality and humankind. Some decades later, the migration policies of Fortress Europe might lead to the belief that Europe is still at the centre of African destinies and geographies. However, for at least the last two decades, there has been an obvious loss of Europe’s centrality in the spatial economy of African migration. Not only the dramatic increase of African emigration over the last decades, but also movements of departure from Europe itself, show a diversification of migratory circuits of African and Afro-descendants. This chapter aims to shed new light on how these transnational dynamics may illuminate varieties of European cosmopolitanism and, in particular, highlight the failure of the cosmopolitan politics of inclusion towards postcolonial citizens.