This review of Bloch’s first book, La philosophie de Newton, was published in Nature, 78 (4 June 1908): 99-100 (B&R C08.07). Léon Bloch was a French physicist who received his doctorate in 1910 from the University of Paris with a dissertation entitled Recherches sur les actions chimiques par barbotage. It was published separately as a book that same year. His brother Eugène Bloch was also a physicist. Later, Léon published several other books: Précis d’électricité théorique (1919), Le principe de la relativité et la théorie d’Einstein (1922), and Ionisation et résonance des gaz et des vapeurs (1925). By 1929, Eugène was professor of theoretical and celestial physics at the Sorbonne and Léon was an assistant there. Around 1920 they published several joint articles on spectra.