This case demonstrates the importance of aligning strategic and operational plans with environmental needs. It examines For the People (FTP), a community health center that is part of a larger health provider, DUNN Community Care. FTP faces a rapidly changing environment and needs to adapt quickly to remain viable. However, the parent organization, DUNN, is obstructing some much-needed changes such as participation in the Governor’s Change Initiative. The FTP director, Miranda Jackson, knows her organization needs to innovate to survive but lacks the financial and human resources and political support to enact new strategies.

Main Topics

Planning, Strategic management

Secondary Topics

Reform, Organizational culture

Teaching Purpose

To encourage students to think at a macro level by discussing the development, implementation, and communication of a strategic plan in an organization

The Organization

The case examines a community health center that is part of a larger nonprofit health care organization.

Main Characters

Miranda Jackson, Director of FTP

DUNN Board of Directors