A nonprofit or public organization faces a wide range of issues and responsibilities regarding its dealings with consumers of its services. In the following case, the lending policies of a credit union toward the low-income households it serves come under close scrutiny. This case study asks whether it is the responsibility of a public organization to help its customers take more control over their own lives, in this instance, their financial situation.

Main Topics

Social equity, Implementation/evaluation

Secondary Topics

Financial management

Teaching Purpose

To examine the dilemma organizations face in dealing with low-income clients when the choice is between meeting immediate needs versus long-term education for financial responsibility

The Organization

Community Credit Union (CCU) is a nonprofit organization with a commitment to higher customer service, including offering loans at lower interest rates than for-profit banking institutions.

Main Characters

Cortez McDuffy, Lead Teller at a CCU Branch Bank

Alma Murphy, Customer

Lucinda Tassels, Branch Manager

Molly Salamone, CCU President

Paul Woodbine, Former Credit Union Bank President