Friday morning Louisa checked her Twitter feed over breakfast. She noticed a tweet from Cam saying he’d spent the night in the emergency room with his brother; Louisa panicked! She grabbed her phone and tried to call and text Cash, but there was no response. Louisa had no idea what hospital he was in. She considered calling his parents, but did not want to worry them. She finally reached Carl who told her Cash had passed out the night before. The doctors thought it was probably his asthma, put him on oxygen, and kept him in the hospital to run a few more tests this morning. Louisa was not sure if she was more scared or more furious. By now, she was yelling and crying, “I cannot believe no one called me and I had to find out on Twitter!” Carl seemed perturbed, “Chill out, Louisa. None of us wanted to worry you until we had some definite answers. I’m on my way to the hospital now and will call you when I know something.”