It is our contention that, too often, encounters between law/theory (and, perhaps even more so, theory/law) have failed to confront, explore, and make evident, choices inherent in the process of bringing these two practices into patterns of relation with, and in-between, each other. Drawing on Deleuze, we call for a more material engagement with law/theory/law; and introduce the potential of ‘the artisan’ for the development of a minor jurisprudence, a jurisprudence of immanence, which we name (echoing our radical heritage) as ‘new model jurisprudence’.

Now I have to portray ‘Wisdom’, and surely there is no better model for wisdom than … Aspasia, held in such high esteem by the much admired (Pericles); her political knowledge and insight, her perceptive skills and penetrating analysis, must be transferred to the canvas in their perfect measure. Aspasia, however, is given to us only in miniature: we must draw her in much greater proportions.

Lucian of Samosata A Portrait Study, XVII (162 AD) 1