This introduction presents an overview of the concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book provides a comprehensive approach to visual effects (VFX) from the filmmaker's perspective. It explains practical guide to conceiving, designing, budgeting, planning, shooting, and reviewing VFX from the early stages of pre-production to the last bit of tweaking in post-production. The book illuminates the different underlying concepts that have a direct effect on the complexity and cost of VFX shots, and discusses the various tasks and workflows that are involved in the process. It discusses the key VFX concepts such as CGI, realism, photorealism, 2D, and 3D. The book outlines a study of camera movement; parallax and perspective shift, and explains 2D, 3D, and 2.5D workflows by analysing the methodology of a specific matte painting shot. It also provides a close look at the two methods of separation: roto and green screen, with a focus on extraction challenges.