Studying the associations among omnipotent fantasies, creativity, and addiction highlights both the precious and the precarious states of being that humans inhabit and strive to sustain. The regressive pull that takes place during the primary phase of creativity brings with it a great deal of anxiety. Creativity is a solitary occupation; time spent alone is needed to generate and implement ideas. The destruction of conventional reality is necessary for creativity, and substances or compulsive acts are employed in the service of this destruction. The story encompasses rescue fantasies, interpersonal conflicts, sexual desires, and a hunger for mastery in a perilous, chaotic world. The human mind is inherently conflicted – a source of vitality and degradation – and navigating omnipotent fantasies are a complex process, fraught with paradoxes. Omnipotent fantasies can serve adaptive functions if a person retains the capacity to let go of them when the harsh winds of reality overshadow such illusions and/or when they no longer promote growth.