This book describes the odyssey of a soul on its journey to enlightenment and it's essentially about transcending alienation in both inner and outer through a dialectical learning process in which division, ignorance and illusion are progressively overcome in the course of a sequence of lives. Each system or world view in turn points to and contributes to the fulfilment of the soul's ultimate vocation as an enlightened spiritual teacher. This chapter aims to preface the general theoretical introduction and to contextualise From East to West in contemporary philosophy. It discusses the much maligned and misunderstood, topic of ontology and highlights the ways in which transcendental realism is committed to both a dispositional and a categorial realism. Only the dialectical critical realism (DCR), and the transcendental dialectical critical realism (TDCR) outlined in the book satisfies this criterion. The work should be systematically through the moments of DCR, as developed in TDCR.