The structures, processes and practices of education governance frameworks

matter, because they shape the form, pattern and scope of education policies and

practices, the opportunities they provide, and the outcomes they enable. Education

governance frameworks, therefore, both intrinsically and necessarily, have social

justice implications in that they structure, and are ‘strategically selective’ (Jessop,

2005) of, some interests, life chances and social trajectories over others. The

power and reach of education lies in the fact it is the only formal institution (aside

from the family) that all individuals in societies are required to pass through. And

as Connell (2012, p. 681) reminds us: ‘… schools and colleges do not just

produce culture, they shape the new society that is coming into existence all

around us’. This makes it all the more important that as far as possible education

is a ‘just institution’ (Rothstein, 1998).