Marvel’s The Avengers was one of the highest grossing films in Hollywood history, featuring famous faces, superheroes, loud explosions, and the near-total destruction of New York City, using cutting-edge special effects, and a budget of $220 million. Matt Hurd makes a compelling argument was to why Joss Whedon represented the best choice for directing The Avengers, including his ability to work with large casts and production teams, his focus on character, and his long-standing knowledge of the source material. Indeed, it is these elements, particularly the former two, that made The Avengers so successful; the story could resonate for the viewer with or without the knowledge of the previous films because of the seemingly organic interaction between the characters. The chapter addresses the transmedia transition of Firefly from television to film as a precursor, or test case, for the choice of Whedon to anchor the transition from Phase One to Phase Two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.