In The Hero with a Thousand Faces, anthropologist Joseph Campbell described the eighteen stages of a journey that a hero like Jason must take to retrieve the Golden Fleece. Whether Star Wars is simply heavily influenced by Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress, as George Lucas claims, or is an actual adaptation or remake is a debate that Vogler does not pursue. What makes The Hidden Fortress such a wonderful choice from a screenwriting perspective is that screenwriter Ryuz Kikushima was as influenced by American westerns as by Japanese battle history and traditional Noh dramas, strengthening the universality that is at the heart of Campbell's and Vogler's pursuits as well as Lucas' filmmaking. By "Virgin", Hudson is in sync with Esther Harding's definition which "has nothing to do with the modern association of sexual chastity". In the story of Inanna, the goddess leaves her throne, dressed in power, to visit her sister Erishkigal, who, raped by the gods, is moaning in childbirth.